Adventures With Kids Are For You Too

Adventures With Kids Are For You Too

During my last (ever) visit to Disneyland. I thought, why aren’t the kids having more fun? Why are they stressed and arguing? And then it occurred to me why – I was miserable and I couldn’t wait to leave, and they were caught up in my negative energy.

We do a lot of things FOR our kids, but how much do we do WITH them? And how much of it is really that fun for us? Soccer practice, piano lessons, dance recitals, art classes, birthday parties. Driving your kid to practice or to the park, and then sitting there thumbing through Facebook while they run around, is not a family bonding experience. Your kids are doing something, but you’re following them around, or you’re sitting there watching and waiting and wishing you were somewhere else.

You could be napping or working out or hiking or sitting quietly in a coffee shop reading the paper. But instead you’re praying for rain or a power outage, on your phone, texting a friend about the behavior and clothing of other parents and kids around you.

Adventures are different. An adventure is something you can do for your kids and with your kids. And it’s just as much for you as it is for them. It is a chance for you to unplug and be present and engaged. To be relaxed and active, and to discover and explore as your children do.

My number one bit of advice for parents thinking about the next outing – do something that you want to do. Go some place you want to go. Don’t even ask your kids “What do you want to do?”. Just decide, and then tell them. If you want to be there, if you are excited, your kids will be too.

  1. ralph-defelice



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  1. Paul

    Some great advice Ralph, following your family adventures is a a joyous and inspirational activity. I can’t wait to have grandchildren and to keep them moving.

  2. Aileen

    I don’t have kids yet myself, but this is a golden advice. It helps to really interact and engage with the kids during a trip BUT without sacrificing one’s desires.

  3. Jennifer

    Great do get swept up in the enthusiasm and negativity of adults, even when we don’t recognize it at first. Nice that you do and were willing to share.

  4. Kelsey of Route Words

    This is such great advice that I will always remember! It seems so true that so many peoples’ lives end up revolving around their children, when they should plan for the parents AND family’s enjoyment. I’m not planning on having kids any time soon, so what do I know? But I love this advice!

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